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Coach TFit

My personal journey


My Transformation

"I think I have tried all sorts of crazy fads, diets, and useless exercises to be "skinny".  But not once did I ever try to be healthy.   Looking back, I was never really over weight, but I was what you would call "skinny fat".  Vanity was more of a concern to me than anything else.  But... there came a point where I was always hungry, miserable and tired.  I just could not understand why.  I thought I was doing everything right!   Avoided every carbohydrate and sugar under the sun, salt like the plague, and drank eight glasses of water daily.  So what was the problem?  Well, it's the fact that I had no concept of moderation and the importance of proper nutrition for my body.  It truly IS the key to living healthier both mentally and physically.   I was finally tired of being tired!  So... I decided to educate myself on proper fitness and nutrition practices.  That is what lead me to become a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach.  Now I enjoy all of the foods I love in moderation, and keep a routine workout schedule that I can stick to suit my busy lifestyle.  No, I am not perfect (no one is), but I am better than I have ever been both mentally and physically.  I have had many ups and downs during my fitness journey, but I have finally found the key to better myself. It has truly inspired me to help other woman with the same struggles. If you too are ready to become the best version of yourself, then join our community at Life Balanced Transformations and let's work together and achieve the best plan for you!" 

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