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Coach JRo

My Personal Journey

I originally started in the fitness field after college with a specialization in Fitness and Business Management and Workplace Wellness and Health Promotion. At the time not a lot of people were buying in to the wellness and nutrition world. I went back to school for Dental Hygiene and worked in the field for close to 10 years.  After losing my Dad to an aggressive cancer, I realized where my passion lay, in helping people have the most success in their fitness and nutrition journeys. I thrive on keeping fun treats in my clients programs and keeping cardio to a minimum.


My Transformation

"So, I've tried pretty much everything under the sun. From jumping on every fad diet bandwagon to popping fat burning pills like candy and living at the gym doing endless cardio. And guess what? I ended up looking skinny but feeling totally starved and unsatisfied. Then came college life with its cheap beer nights and heaps of pasta – I packed on over 20 pounds before I knew it. Clothes didn't fit, I felt awkward, and I tried all the wrong things like crash diets and binge-purging.

But then, I had this wake-up call moment. I ditched the crazy cardio for some smarter workouts and started eating better. And bam! My energy shot up, my body got stronger, and my head cleared. Now, I'm back in the health game, wanting to help others steer clear of the same old traps. No more quick fixes, just real, lasting change."

From barely eating, partying, excessive cardio and skinny in my 20's to strength training, eating everything in moderation and being in my best shape after 2 kids and in my 40's!


My goal is to stay strong enough to be able to handstand my way into my 80's

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  • @coach_jro



  • @lifebalanced
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