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Our Philosophy

At our fitness and nutrition venture, powered by two incredible women, we are dedicated to transforming lives without imposing restrictions on your favourite foods. We believe in achieving balance and flexibility, making wellness a seamless part of your lifestyle.

Our mission is to guide you through this delicate balancing act, ensuring you can fully enjoy social events while prioritizing your health. Because true transformation is not about sacrifice; its about finding harmony, and we are here to help you, strike that perfect balance.

Image by Emma Simpson

Joelle & Tanya

Meet Joelle and Tanya, two ambitious women who are on a mission to help people live their best lives. Through their fun and realistic approach, they are bringing a fresh perspective to the world of health and wellness. With their guidance, anyone can become their best self and achieve a healthier lifestyle. 


Join them on this journey and see the difference it can make in your life.

She/Her, 43
16 weeks

"I'm wearing a bathing suit and shorts today.  I haven't been comfortable wearing this in years! Joelle, you have changed my life"

He/Him, 36
8 weeks

"Thanks Coach JRo for the quick, photo shoot ready transformation, and best of all, I'm not restricting any foods."

She/Her, 31

12 weeks

"I've lost another 10 lbs. Clothes are getting looser, energy is great and I'm sleeping well, thanks to you Joelle."
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She/Her, 38 

10 Weeks

"Tanya not only reshaped my body but revitalized my entire approach to exercise and health!'

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  • @coach_jro



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